Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tainted Legacy

I came across the following poem in the March/April 2010 issue of Alive Now. I think it's totally awesome!

Tainted Legacy
By Patricia Adell Dickson

Whoever breathed into your ear
the slightest whisper to suggest
that you were not your God's elect
most certainly was mistaken
about whose all God's children are.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Daily Word: Desires of Your Heart

This was an eye opener for me. Maybe it will be for you as well!

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I act on the desires of my heart.

Have I fulfilled my hopes and dreams in life? Am I where I planned to be? Any discontentment I feel with my present circumstances may be an inner nudge to reawaken the desires I have allowed to become dormant. Perhaps now is the time to display my creativity, travel to far-off places or serve God and others in a whole new way. Acknowledging this urge, I allow myself to consider new possibilities. My soul surges as I expand my horizons.

Remaining flexible and open, I don't limit myself to any preconceived ideas of what I can or cannot do. The Spirit within provides all I need to satisfy the longings that once seemed lost, but now are found.

When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, "Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost."--Luke 15:9

(from Today's Daily Word for Monday, April 5, 2010)

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Daily Word: Joy

Dear Friends,
I was cleaning out my email inbox today and found this Daily Word from January 8, 2010. Even though it's more than 3 months old, I still need to hear these words--over and over again. Maybe you do as well.

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I am joy in expression.

There is no need to ever wait for joy. My joy does not depend on reaching or achieving certain goals. I don't have to graduate from college to feel joy, nor do I need to be married to feel joy. I needn't postpone my joy until I've retired or reached a certain level of success. Joy is a state of mind, arising from realization and gratitude, accessible to me at all times.

I focus on the joy that underlies my life each day. When I awake, I feel joy. Throughout my day, I give thanks for the people who share my journey. At the end of the day, I am grateful for each experience. I reflect on the blessings in my life and feel joy welling up within me. I never wait for joy. I choose joy in this very moment.

My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy.--James 1:2

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