Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You can still see me on TV!

Dear Friends,
I don't often engage in shameless self-promotion, yet for every rule there is always an exception! 8^D}

If you did not get to see me on TV last night (Tuesday, November 24), you still have plenty of opportunities. I have checked the archives at WTJR, and the show has already been posted. So that means you now have two options: you can watch me "live" on TV/Internet. OR you can go directly to the archives and watch me at any time via "Video on Demand".

If you like the excitement of watching the show "live", there will be two more airings of me on "The Pastor Speaks" this week. (All times are Central. Please adjust for your time zone.)

Saturday, November 28 @ 10:30 pm CST
Sunday November 29 @ 2 pm CST

Just a reminder: If you don’t get WTJR on your TV, you can watch it on the internet. Go to: Click on “Live Stream of WTJR”. You will need Windows Media Player to watch the show.

To see the show from the archives, go to Scroll down to Pastor_speaks001_Tue11242009.wmv. Click on the arrow by that name, and the program will open up with Windows Media Player. Please note: most shows are held in the archives for no more than two months.

Once again, I thank you all for your support!

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm going to be on TV--REALLY!

Dear Friends,
If you tuned in Tuesday night to WTJR (either on your TV or computer) to watch "The Pastor Speaks," I'm sure you noticed that the pastor who spoke was not me! It turns out that I had the schedule mixed up, and thus the dates I listed in Tuesday's blog entry were incorrect.

So here are the correct dates and times for when you can watch me on "The Pastor Speaks." (All times are Central. Please adjust for your time zone.)

Tuesday November 24 @ 7 pm CST
Saturday, November 28 @ 10:30 pm CST
Sunday November 29 @ 2 pm CST

Just a reminder: If you don’t get WTJR on your TV, you can watch it “live” on the internet. Go to: Click on “Live Stream of WTJR”. You will need Windows Media Player to watch the show.

After November 29, the program will be placed in the WTJR archives and can be watched at anytime. Go to Scroll down to Pastor_speaks001_Tue11242009.wmv. (Please note: this is a change from what I posted on Tuesday). Click on the arrow by that name, and the program will open up with Windows Media Player.

One again, I hope you find my message meaningful.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm going to be on TV!

Dear Friends,
Every now and then, people say they would like to hear me preach. For those who live nearby, I say: "Come on over, any Sunday!" Yet that's not really an option for those who live far away and/or have other commitments on Sunday mornings.

But now, through the magic of TV and the internet, people around the world can hear me preach (at least one sermon)! Here are the details:

I have been taped for “The Pastor Speaks” on WTJR-TV in Quincy. The program lasts 30 minutes and will air at three different times this week. (All times are Central. Please adjust for your time zone.)

Tuesday November 17 @ 7 pm CST
Saturday, November 21 @ 10 pm CST
Sunday November 22 @ 2 pm CST

If you live in the Tri-States area (Northeast Missouri, Southeast Iowa, Western Illinois) and get your TV signal through an antenna, WTJR is channel 16.1. If you get your TV signal by cable or satellite dish, check with your provider to see if you get WTJR. (On Hannibal cable, WTJR is channel 7.)

If you don’t get WTJR on your TV, you can watch it “live” on the internet. Go to: Click on “Live Stream of WTJR”. You will need Windows Media Player to watch the show.

After November 22, the program will be placed in the WTJR archives and can be watched at anytime. Go to Scroll down to Pastor_speaks001_Tue11172009.wmv. Click on the arrow by that name, and the program will open up with Windows Media Player.

Whether you watch it live or from the archives, be sure to tune in. Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers, too. I hope you find my message meaningful.

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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

October Newsletter: Covered Bridges

Dear Friends,
Here is my column for the October 2009 issue of the Monroe City/Mt. Vernon United Methodist Churches Newsletter. May you find all the strength you need to travel through life's covered bridges.

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From Your Pastor…
I like to look at bridges. Bridges can be quite a site to behold. Not every bridge is spectacular, of course, yet there are numerous beautiful bridges throughout the world: old stone bridges, rustic wooden bridges, and modern marvels spanning distances once thought impossible.

If you were to walk into my office today, you would see at least two pictures of bridges. On one wall I have a 2009 calendar of bridges. Even though it’s not a very fancy calendar, I still find the pictures inspiring. On another wall I have a framed pencil drawing of the Union Covered Bridge that was done by a friend of mine. The Union Covered Bridge is not far away from us [in Monroe County]. It’s located several miles southwest of Paris [Missouri], just off of Country Road C. It is one of only 4 covered bridges still standing in Missouri today.

I’ve long admired covered bridges. They have a special, rustic beauty that harkens back to the early years of our country’s history. I also find a powerful symbolism in the design of a covered bridge. All bridges take you from one side to the other, crossing over water, roads, valleys, and other terrain. But a traditional wooden, all-enclosed covered bridge has a quality that no other type of bridge has. It's dark inside a covered bridge. You can't see your surroundings very well while traveling through the bridge. Some covered bridges have little windows along the side which let in just enough light for you to see where you are going. But that’s about all you can see of your immediate surroundings. You can’t see the river, lake, valley, rocks, or whatever perils might lie below you. The sides and the roof box you in, so you have no where to go, other than toward the light on the other side. When you emerge from the bridge, you emerge into daylight. You are no longer boxed in by the bridge. You are able to move about freely, able to see all around you. And best of all, you’ve made it to the other side of whatever you were crossing.

As we journey through life, from time to time we find ourselves traveling through covered bridges. These are not bridges in the literal sense. Instead of being made out of wood and metal, these bridges are built out of the troubles and sorrows of life. Many things can create such a bridge. It may be the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, family struggles, abusive situations, loss of employment, financial difficulties, health problems, emotional turmoil, or other significant life changes. Whatever the case may be, this event brings us to an impasse. We can’t turn back, so our only choice is to continue through the covered bridge. Just like being inside an actual covered bridge, we can't always see or make sense of what is going on around us as. The difficulties we face box us in. It’s dark and scary; perhaps it’s even lonely. If we look carefully we can a little light coming through the side windows. It’s not a lot of light, but just enough to keep us from stumbling, just enough for us to find our way. We may find ourselves discouraged and frustrated, but there’s no place else to go. So we push ahead. And as we keep moving onward to the end of the bridge, we will eventually cross over the troubled waters and valleys of life. We will exit the bridge and emerge into the sunlight of a new day with bright hope for the future. Our journey may not over, but on the other side of the bridge we can forge ahead with renewed hope and strength.

Covered bridges may vary in length, but they never last forever. No matter how dark, scary, or lonely they may be on the inside, they always lead back out into the open. As we exit the bridge, we can look back to see that we indeed got from one side to the other—which is the whole reason for having bridges in the first place.

May God give you strength and courage for all of the covered bridges you face throughout your life.

Grace and Peace,

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Monday, November 02, 2009

SWS: Prayer for God's Peace and Love

Dear Friends,
I came across the following prayer in my devotional reading today. Even though the language is a bit arcane, I pray that you find this as meaningful as I did.
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Enable us, O God of patience, to bear one another's burdens, and to forbear one another in love. Oh, teach and help us all to live in peace and to love in truth, following peace with all men and walking in love, as Christ loved us, of whom let us learn such meekness and lowliness of heart that in Him we may find rest for our souls. Make us so gentle and peaceable that we may be followers of Thee as dear children, that Thou, the God of peace, mayest dwell with us forevermore. Amen.
--Benjamin Jenks (1642-1724)

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