Thursday, August 28, 2008

So What Can I Do?

Dear Friends,

I have discovered a wonderful blog site that I think many of you will want to visit.

Have you ever thought to yourself--"I would like to help make the world a better place, but I just don't know what I can do" and/or "the world's problems are so big, I don't think there is anything I can do"? It is thoughts like these which led biologist Dr. Karama Neal to create a public service blog titled, "So What Can I Do?"

You can visit Dr. Neal's blog at or by clicking here.

The blog covers a wide variety of topics, like: how to recycle old cell phones, how to become an organ donor, how to support disaster relief, how to run for public office, how to become a Big Brother/Sister, and many more helpful ideas. The site has a Google search engine that allows you to search through the entire archives of posts. The blog has a link to, recommending books pertaining to related topics. The blog also has links to a number of other sites, both commercial and non-profit, that may be of interest.

So give it a try. And next time you ask yourself, "So What Can I Do?" Now you know how to find out!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Little Housekeeping

Today I did a little "housekeeping" at The Dunger Peak. First of all, I updated my (i.e., Clayton's) profile. A few things have changed since I first wrote my profile. Although the changes are relatively few, at least it's an up-to-date representation of who I am and what I'm doing. I also updated the list of Links on the right hand panel.

Here are the Links I changed:

Palmyra/Mt. Vernon UMC removed because link expired.

Rev. Clayton Peak changed to Rev. Clayton Peak @ 7 Villages in order to be more specific.

Clayton Peak @ Facebook added as a new link.

Guideposts added as a new link.

The Jam Factory changed to 'Round the Bend Music to reflect name change of store.

I hope you'll enjoy the updated version of The Dunger Peak. For those of you reading this as a a note imported into Facebook, you may access the blog at or by clicking here.

Have a blessed day!

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Braveheart 2008!

Pictured to the left is our cat Braveheart, hard at work! This month she turns 8 years old. We don't know the exact day of her birth. But when we first took Braveheart to the vet, he estimated that she was born sometime in August 2000. So every August we celebrate as Braveheart's birthday month. According to our IAMS Complete Cat Owner's Manual, an eight year old cat is equivalent to a 48 year old human. That makes Braveheart older than either one of her human parents! ;-) Braveheart now has a spot on Catbook, an application linked with Facebook. So those who are on Facebook can post a message on her wall and "virtually" pet her. If you are not on Facebook and would like wish her a happy birthday, send your messages to us and then we'll forward them on to Braveheart.

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Positive Thinking - R.I.P.

I was saddened to receive a notice from Guideposts today. In part, the letter read:

"We would like to thank you for your continued support of Positive Thinking magazine. We know how much this magazine means to you, but after careful consideration, we have found it necessary to discontinue publishing Positive Thinking after the July/August 2008 issue."

I have received Positive Thinking since the July/August 2007 issue. Positive Thinking began in January 2007 by the same folks who bring us Guideposts. Actually, this was not the first incarnation of Positive Thinking. For many years, the folks at Guideposts published a small pocket-size magazine called Plus: The Magazine of Positive Thinking. The title was later shortened to Positive Thinking, although the format remained the same--a small booklet of stories, without advertising--published 10 times a year.

Other than what I've listed above, no further explanation has been given as to why the recent incarnation of Positive Thinking was discontinued. I can only guess that the readership numbers were below the expectations of the publishers. Just like Life magazine which folded in 2000, economics have forced another "lily among the thorns" of periodicals to perish.

I will miss Positive Thinking. In a time when we are surrounded by negativity, fear mongering, divisive vitriol, and so-called "reality" programming, it was a breath of fresh air to receive a publication that actually offered hope for a meaningful life. I only hope that Guideposts can continue to be a beacon of light in a world filled with gloom and despair.

So, to my dear friend Positive Thinking--Rest In Peace.

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