Folk Process: Oil, Oil
Folk Process: the act of reworking an old song, often with the intent of addressing a contemporary situation.
Long before Randy Newman wrote Burn On about the infamous Cuyahoga River fire of 1969, folk musicians have been writing new songs and adapting old songs to address various disasters and tragic events taking place in the world. So in response to the recent BO oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, I've been engaging in a little folk process myself.
My first effort is a round, sung to the old tune of Rose, Rose. I invite you to sing this song, teach it to your kids, sing it around the campfire, etc., and have fun!
Oil, Oil
by Clayton A. Peak
(tune: Rose, Rose)
Oil, oil, oil, oil,
Keeps on leaking into the Gulf
Everything is getting coated
It's a big mess
(repeat ad naseum)
Labels: BP oil spill, Folk Process, Randy Newman
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