Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'm On Twitter!

Dear Friends,
I have finally entered the second decade of the 21st Century! I now have a Twitter account.
You can find me at
My user name is @banjopreacher.

I can't guarantee that I'll be tweeting multiple times throughout each day. But I do hope that Twitter will be another way that I can connect with friends, associates, and the world at large.

See you on Twitter!


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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Site Maintenance

Dear Friends,
It had been quite some time since I did site maintenance. So today I took a little bit of time to fix things up.

1. The html code for the visitor counter I entered in September 2006 had become a dead end link. Thus, I had to remove the old counter, and enter html code for a new counter. Since there was no way I could go back and retrieve the numbers from the old counter, I "reset" the title of the new counter to read Visitors Since May 2012.

2. Some of the links in the right-hand column had expired. So I updated those which I could, and deleted the rest. I may add and subtract links from the right-hand column from time to time as the spirit leads.

Well, I think that covers it for today. I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!
♥ cap

Thursday, May 03, 2012

A Couple of Banjo Jokes

Here are a couple of banjo jokes that I heard recently:

Q. What do you say to a banjo player in a three piece suit?
A. "Will the defendent please rise?"

Q. Why are banjo jokes so easy to understand?
A. So that the bass player will get them.

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