Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We're going to be on TV!

Dear Beloveds,
Yesterday Rebecca and I were taped for The Pastor Speaks television show on WTJR-TV in Quincy, Illinois. The programs are 30 minutes long, and each will air at three different times. (All times are Central. Please adjust for your time zone.)

Clayton's Program
Friday, August 26 @ 12:30 pm CDT
Sunday, August 28 @ 2 pm CDT
Wednesday, August 31 @ 1:30 pm CDT

Rebecca's Program
Friday, September 2 @ 12:30 pm CDT
Sunday, September 4 @ 2 pm CDT
Wednesday, September 7 @ 1:30 pm CDT

If you live in the Tri-States area (Northeast Missouri, Southeast Iowa, Western Illinois) and get your TV signal through an antenna, WTJR is channel 16.1. If you get your TV signal by cable or satellite dish, check with your provider to see if you get WTJR. (On Hannibal cable, WTJR is channel 7.)

If you don’t get WTJR on your TV, you can watch it “live” on the internet. Go to: You will then see four boxes marked "Live Stream." Click on the box at the far left-hand side of the screen. (The box with a multi-colored lifesaver ring and a forward arrow in the middle.) Windows Media Player will then open with a life stream from WTJR.

After the shows have aired, they will then go in the WTJR archives and can be watched at anytime. When that happens, I'll post a link to the archives.

Rebecca and I hope all of you will turn on and tune in! Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers, too. We hope you are blessed by our messages.
Clayton & Rebecca

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

SWS: A Prayer for Everyday

The following prayer is by St. Basil the Great. I expect the prayer was originally written in Greek. I found it in a book that had translated it into Jacobean English (i.e., like the King James Bible). I have updated the language a bit. This is a good prayer for everyday living. I hope you will find it Something Worth Sharing. ♥cap


Eternal God, maker of all creation, endless source of loving-kindness, let now the light of your countenance rise upon us! Shine into our hearts, O true sun of righteousness, and fill our souls with your beauty. Direct according to your will the work of our hands, and lead us in the right way to do that which is pleasing in your sight; so that through us, unworthy though we be, your holy name may be glorified, to whom be praise, honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
—St. Basil (330-379)

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Monday, August 08, 2011

My New Favorite Slogan

At the hootenanny held on Sunday, August 7, 2011 at Monroe City United Methodist Church, Bruce Petsche (he's the one standing in the middle, wearing white pants) shared with a wonderful bit of wisdom that has become my new favorite slogan:

Live for today
Learn from yesterday
Pray for tomorrow

I believe those are words we can all live with! ♥cap

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