Wednesday, December 27, 2006

How Many Shopping Days?

There are 11 shopping days left until Christmas. What? Yes that's right, eleven shopping days--that is, for those who are on the Julian Calendar! Most of the world uses the Gregorian calendar where today is December 27. But for those on the Julian Calendar, today is actually December 14. Ever since the year 1900, the Julian Calendar has been 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar. It will stay that way until February 29, 2100, when the Julian Calendar will become 14 days behind. (Those of us on the Gregorian Calendar won't have a February 29, 2100, and that's how we'll gain a day).

To my knowledge the Julian Calendar is only used these days in the Eastern Orthodox church, particularly the Russian church. Now here's something to further complicate the matter. In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, gifts are exchanged on Epiphany (Jan. 6) not on Christmas. In that case, there are 22 shopping days left until Epiphany (Julian Calendar)!

I offer all this as more than just a trivial history lesson. Instead, this gives you the perfect opportunity to give gifts that you forgot to give at Christmas. Just tell the recipients that you are following the Julian Calendar and/or you are observing the Eastern Orthodox tradition of giving gifts on Epiphany. Either way, you can't lose!


At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have enjoyed your comments and history on Christmas Ed


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