Sunday, September 10, 2006

Check Your Shoes!

As one who lives with obstructive sleep apnea it's common for me to have bouts of sleepiness throughout the day. In fact, I often come home and take a nap either before, after, or during supper! One day last April I came home from work, plopted down on my bed and promptly fell asleep. Some time later, Rebecca woke me up and told me to hurry up and get ready because we had a function to attend in Canton, MO. Still somewhat groggy, I got out of bed, put on my shoes, ran a comb through my hair, and got in the car. Fortunately, Rebecca was driving! In the 20 minute drive from Palmyra to Canton, I gradually began to "come back to life".

We had a fun time in Canton. It was a farewell party for a pastor who was moving on to a new position. At the end of the evening as we were getting ready to leave, Rebecca told me to look down at my shoes. I looked down, and to my shock I discovered that I was wearing two different shoes! I must have been half-asleep when I put my shoes on. The funny thing is, no one said anything about my mismatched shoes until we were getting ready to leave. And neither did my feet feel strange despite the fact that my shoes didn't match. One of the church members was on hand to document this merry mix-up. We all had a good laugh that evening and learned an important lesson: be sure to check your shoes before you leave the house!


At 10:01 PM, Blogger Ava said...

Hi Clayton!

I'll have to watch and see if you fall asleep during music session. AND ... I'll have to check and see what shoes you have on as well!!!!

That's hilarious!!!!

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Mickey said...

Great post,Clayton!! All I can say is "How human of you!!"

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was part of a community worship service. The clergy were all sitting on the stage in a row. I looked down and the clergy person sitting next to me had two different shoes on. It was all i could do to get through the worship service without giggling. Glad you suffered no ill effects.


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