Thursday, June 18, 2009

Something Worth Sharing

Dear Friends,
In my "line of work," I am constantly bombarded with information, ideas, plans, possibilities, suggestions, words of wisdom, etc. I read books, magazines, and devotionals. I hear sermons, motivational speeches, lectures, and testimonies. I attend workshops, conventions, classes, seminars, retreats etc. And yes, I do listen to the radio, watch television, and occasionally go to the movies.

Every so often, I read, hear, or see something and think to myself, "Now that's something worth sharing! I expect others might appreciate it as well." So in order to "spread the wealth" with others, I am creating a new series here at The Dunger Peak: "Something Worth Sharing" (SWS). Whenever I have SWS, I will put "SWS" in the title line, followed by a brief description (e.g., "SWS: True Happiness"). Because of my computer situation, I can't guarantee how often I'll post SWS. Even so, please keep checking back.

To get us started with our first SWS, here's a quote I found today on a box of Celestial Seasonings tea.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony"
--Mahatma Gandhi


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