Saturday, November 10, 2007

It's the Cat's Fault!

Thousands of people have been asking why things have been a bit slow here at The Dunger Peak. I now have photographic evidence to prove that it's our cat Braveheart's fault! Those who do not have cats may find this hard to believe. But it's the honest to Pete (Seeger) truth! Our cat Braveheart actaully gets jealous of the time we spend on the computer! If Braveheart feels that we are spending too much time with the computer, and not enough time with her, she actually does her best to prevent us from using the computer. A couple of her "favorite" techniques are blocking the screen with her body, and standing over the keyboard. And you don't have to be a rocket surgeon to know that if you can't see the screen or type on the keys, it's quite difficult--if not impossible--to type a blog entry.

Still have your doubts? Check out the evidence below.

In this picture, Braveheart is blocking the screen with her body. The scowl on her face says, "go ahead--I dare you to type a blog entry!"

And now in this picture Braveheart is standing over the keybaord, preventing anyone from attempting to type.

So now you know the truth. Now you know why we haven't been able to post lately. But don't worry too much. Next time Braveheart is taking a nap, we'll see if we can type another one of the high quality blog entries that all of you have come to depend upon here at The Dunger Peak! Until then--Meow!!

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