Thursday, September 24, 2009

SWS: Mentors

Something Worth Sharing

Oprah made this statement on TV several years ago, but I heard it for the first time today.

"We are all mentors to people, even when we don't know it."
-Oprah Winfrey

So here's the "so what?" of this quote. If we are all mentors, are we being good or bad mentors? Are we being a positive or a negative force in our world? Since "actions speak louder than words", what might others learning from our actions, regardless of our intentions?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Back to School

With the exception of some schools on the quarter system (like the University of Chicago, most students are back to school by now. But whether or not we ourselves are enrolled in school at this time, we are still students. Learning does not end when we get our diploma. Education is truly a lifelong process. As we think about our ongoing learning, I find the following devotion from The Daily Word to be inspiring.

Today's Daily Word - Monday, September 14, 2009

Back to School

I embrace new opportunities to learn and grow.

The smell of new crayons and freshly sharpened pencils may remind me of the excitement I felt on the first day of a new school year. Now when I begin a new book or project, I may feel that same kind of anticipation.

As a lifelong learner, I gratefully acknowledge that every day presents opportunities to keep learning and to share insights with others. As I grow in understanding, learn new skills and try fresh approaches, my knowledge expands.

I give thanks for all those who teach, guide and support students on new paths. I affirm that God's wisdom and understanding are active within them.

"What you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well."--2 Timothy 2:2

Monday, September 14, 2009

"You Lie" - The Truth

Dear Friends,
Much has been said about South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson's outburst of "You Lie!" during President Obama's speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, September 9, 2009. Representative Wilson apologized to the President, yet people have been calling for more apologies and other reparations.

As I have thought the issue over, perhaps Wilson has been misrepresented and misunderstood. Maybe he didn't really say "You Lie!" to the President. Perhaps he said, or at least meant, something else. Here are some possibilities of what might actually have happened.

1. Representative Wilson often brings his dog into the House chambers with him. Normally his dog lies calmly at his feet. However, something stirred up Wilson's dog, and the dog jumped up and began to run around. Not wanting his dog to cause any trouble, Wilson called out to his dog and said, "you, lie!"

2. Representative Wilson has a dear friend named Hugh Lai. It's been many years since the two men have seen each other. On Wednesday night, as Wilson looked around the House chambers, he noticed his friend sitting in the balcony. Wilson was so excited about seeing his long lost friend that he he forgot about congressional decorum and cried out "Hugh Lai!"

3. Being from South Carolina, Representative Wilson is known to occasionally speak in the old antebellum slave dialect. During the President's speech, Wilson overheard a comment that somebody told a lie. Responding in slave dialect, Wilson asked "who lie?"

4. The President was looking especially pale and tired on Wednesday night. Representative Wilson was concerned about the President's health, and called out: "Go lie down!" However, Wilson was chewing a piece of gum at the time, and his words came out garbled. Thus, many people misheard Wilson and thought he said "you lie".

I'm sure there's more possibilities, and if you have any other ideas, feel free to post them!

Peace and Harmony,

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